Serra on Warhol

“Warhol challenged and critiqued the media, spoofed and mocked it by saying “We’re all stars.” But that also had the effect of attracting the media, and the generations that have come after Warhol took that at face value–they misread his subversiveness. He was able to manipulate the media and turn it back on itself as a critique; that’s been lost. Later generations have understood his marketeering and his ideas about art as business, but they have not understood the radicality with which he mocked the media–how he inverted it and made the culture understand that the media served everything up the same, whether it was a car crash or soup can. I think the younger generation sees what Warhol did as a way to make the market respond, but that was not all that he was up to. His criticality and subversiveness have been lost.” *

And that is the irony of satire.

*Richard Serra Quoted in “The Value of Art” by Michael Findlay